Aşağı Kaydır


While determining the priorities of our university, the contributions to the "Regional Development Oriented Mission Differentiation and Specialization Program" were taken into consideration. Thus, the factors that could limit our activities were determined, and “Thinking of the University of the Future” within the framework of a more competitive and innovative approach has emerged as our first priority. In addition to this, there is no doubt that being an excellent university will be possible with the faculties having a strong academic understanding and increasing the level of exclusivity. For this, our second priority has been determined as "Increasing the Excellence of Faculties". It plays a role in activities that will provide students with experience in increasing the exclusivity of the faculties. For this, our third priority has been determined as “Transforming Student Experiences”. Our fourth priority has been adopted as "Regional Branding of the University", as our university is on the way to regional branding with cooperation protocols and efforts with the industry. More comprehensive explanations are given in the following sections by addressing these priorities.

Thinking about the University of the Future

The theme of “Thinking the University of the Future” is the construction of the concept of the developed and developing university of tomorrow. Considering our institutional opportunities and weaknesses, the 3 main difficulties that can be encountered in higher education appear as a factor that strengthens the dream of a developed and developing university. We can list these challenges as follows: 1) The adoption of new communication and research technologies, 2) the need to reshape the traditional academic structure to create an environment that can respond to tomorrow's faculty, students, and staff, 3) The necessity to ensure a harmonious communication and cooperation between academia and industry. The above-mentioned difficulties also include the factors for the institutional development of our university and specialization in the determined fields (leather, ceramics and textile). For example, the adoption of new communication and research technologies will increase the credibility of the studies and expand their scope. In addition, the student-centered and specialized research-oriented academic structure will increase both academic knowledge and knowledge for practitioners, leading to the development of academy and industry cooperation.

Increasing the Excellence of Faculties

Increasing the exclusivity of the faculties and other academic units at Uşak University will be possible with both an educational and research-oriented approach. Realizing this is related to the fact that the specialized academic staff can act in harmony with the general specialization policies of the university. In order to support this priority, we adopt the principle of supporting our university academic units at the highest level. We continue our efforts to provide the necessary resources and funds in line with the needs of our faculties and related academic units. In order to realize the specialization process of Uşak University in the fields of "Leather, Ceramics and Textile" at the highest level, we give priority to the needs and studies in these fields. We aim to create specialized faculties for a branded university.

Transforming Student Experiences

Our university, which has a student-centered education approach, implements a creative and innovative education model. We offer our students both domestic and international internship opportunities, Erasmus exchange programs, etc. With its activities, it plays an important role in raising individuals who are compatible with both the local and global environment and give importance to ethical values. Our university, which is developing new policies within the scope of the regional development-oriented mission differentiation and specialization program, directs our universities to priority areas (leather, ceramics, textile) within the scope of internship opportunities and foreign exchange programs. Thus, we bring a qualified workforce to society and our country by raising individuals who specialize in the field we specialize in.


Regional Branding of the University

The regional branding of Uşak University has four important dimensions. The first of these is the quality of education it offers. The specialized academic staff of our university provides our students with the highest level of knowledge and enriches them both in terms of theoretical knowledge and applied education. The second important dimension is academic studies. Our specialized academic staff develops solutions and strategies for economic and social problems by conducting research in their own fields. Therefore, a great deal of academic effort is spent to ensure university-industry cooperation. The third important dimension is the promotion and advertisement of the activities. The fourth dimension will be the increase in the regional prestige of the university within the scope of the regional focused mission differentiation and specialization program and positive progress in industry cooperation. With these four elements, our university provides social benefits and contributes to the regional economy.
